by Laura Hedgecock | Memories, Storytelling, Writing and Sharing Memories
Looking at photos and sharing a walk down Memory Lane bears a strong resemblance to photo reminiscence therapy (pRT). This therapy can lead to discovery and preservation of family stories as well as better health outcomes. Most of us have looked through photo albums...
by Laura Hedgecock | Writing and Sharing Memories
Family wedding stories aren’t just stories of the big day. It’s a culmination of a romance story, often with a fair dose of drama thrown in. As my oldest and his bride-to-be plan their big day, I realize there are tons of little backstories that lead up to family...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, Writing and Sharing Memories
A lot of family historians can relate to Disney’s Encanto’s song “We don’t Talk About Bruno”: Our own family histories have secrets and lies lurking under the rugs. Admittedly, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s song is an absolute ear worm. It would stick with you even if you...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, How-to
With 700 new classes, 360 speakers, 60 live workshops, 30 languages, not-to miss keynotes, most of us need a plan to get the most out of RootsTech Connect 2022. If you’re not registered, it’s not too late. (See also 5 Reasons to attend RootsTech Connect...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History
Why attend RootsTech Connect 2022? Here’s some great reasons not to miss RootsTech’s 2022 free and virtual experience, whether you’re a newcomer to family history or an experienced genealogist. Last night, the FamilySearch, the organizers of RootsTech Connect,...