by Laura Hedgecock | How-to, Memories, Traditions, Writing Prompts
Here in the USA, most of us observe Memorial Day, but our traditions and Memorial Day memories differ greatly. What does Memorial Day mean to you? What recollections stand out to you? Take advantage of these ideas for reflecting on the holiday. Put pen to paper and...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, How-to, Memories, Traditions
My husband’s favorite Christmas treat was Hermit Bars that his mother made every year. We liken this New England treat to a gingerbread-ish bar with what my mother-in-law describes as a “milk glaze”. (I like a lemon glaze better. It pairs perfectly...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, How-to, Memories, Storytelling
My Easter memories probably differ from yours—unless you are my sister. That’s because our memories reflect the time and places we grew up in, our family and religious traditions, and a slew of other factors. Sharing our childhood memories is a great way to help loved...
by Laura Hedgecock | Memories, Storytelling, Writing and Sharing Memories
Looking at photos and sharing a walk down Memory Lane bears a strong resemblance to photo reminiscence therapy (pRT). This therapy can lead to discovery and preservation of family stories as well as better health outcomes. Most of us have looked through photo albums...
by Laura Hedgecock | Memories
Why do families tell stories? What drives so many of us to engage in the storytelling side of family history? The answer is a combination of neuroscience and common sense. Telling Stories is in our Nature As Robert A. Burton argues in Our Brains Tell...
by Laura Hedgecock | Memories, Writing and Sharing Memories, Writing Prompts
Why August writing prompts? August is a great time to free-write. It’s a time of year that beckons to our emotional undersides. There’s a bitter sweetness to August here in the northern hemisphere. It’s still summer—flowers blooming, birds chirping, lightning bugs...