by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, How-to, Journal writing, Writing and Sharing Memories, Writing Prompts
This fall, explore the theme of transformation to help you get your personal and family memories on paper. Use the following prompts about transformations to reflect on the times you’ve had personal changes or observed them in the world around you. Also use these...
by Laura Hedgecock | How-to, Memories, Traditions, Writing Prompts
Here in the USA, most of us observe Memorial Day, but our traditions and Memorial Day memories differ greatly. What does Memorial Day mean to you? What recollections stand out to you? Take advantage of these ideas for reflecting on the holiday. Put pen to paper and...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, Storytelling, Writing and Sharing Memories, Writing Prompts
In honor of the 31 days of October (not Baskin Robbins), I present you with 31 fall story prompts for your own and family stories. Here in Michigan, the fall colors are peaking. This year is spectacularly vibrant. While taking photos, trying to memorialize the beauty,...
by Laura Hedgecock | Memories, Writing and Sharing Memories, Writing Prompts
Why August writing prompts? August is a great time to free-write. It’s a time of year that beckons to our emotional undersides. There’s a bitter sweetness to August here in the northern hemisphere. It’s still summer—flowers blooming, birds chirping, lightning bugs...
by Laura Hedgecock | How-to, Journal writing, Writing and Sharing Memories, Writing Prompts
Have you started a Covid-19 journal or accumulating your quarantine memories? Here are some reasons you should as well as what you might include. Historians Will Look Back at this Pandemic Have you noticed how many times the word “unprecedented” has been used in the...
by Laura Hedgecock | Family History, How-to, Journal writing, Memories, Writing Prompts
With Advent, St. Nicholas Day, Winter Solstice, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years, and more (Oh My!), December can be busy. Hopefully the following holiday writing prompts can facilitate a couple of storytelling sessions for you and your loved ones. Prompts for...