by Guest Poster | Writing and Sharing Memories
What can you do when someone loses a spouse? Cheryl Conklin of has some practical advice, some of which involves preserving memories and treasures. The death of a spouse is perhaps the most agonizing loss anyone can face. The hurt goes beyond the...
by Guest Poster | Family History, Storytelling, Writing and Sharing Memories
Genealogist and blogger Linda Yip explains how understanding culture is paramount to genealogical research as well as to writing compelling family stories. In genealogy, documents can provide the factual framework, but cultural context provides the colour and life....
by Guest Poster | Family History
Guest poster Diana Elder, author of Research like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide, shares some great starting points for genealogy research. Are you ready to get started researching your family’s history? Does it sound too difficult? Try these five steps to...
by Guest Poster | Memories, Storytelling
It’s a pleasure to have John Kingston guest post and share his moving tribute to his mom. It remains one of my earliest memories of childhood: my brother’s 7th birthday party in the backyard of our house on Stevenson Street; Flint, Michigan, 1976. While my...
by Guest Poster | Memories, Writing and Sharing Memories
I’m excited to have author Wendy Parmley share her insight with Treasure Chest of Memories readers. Wendy is an advocate for suicide prevention as well as for the support of loved ones left behind after a suicide. In this post, along with sharing her story of...