Inspired by Elizabeth O’Neal’s May “Spring Fever” Genealogy Blog Party, I decided that we could all use a few spring story prompts to get our creative juices churning, blogger or not. (If you are a blogger, however, please play along!)
Use one (or more!) of the prompts below to describe a personal memory or family story.
Alternatively, you can use them as brainstorming sparks. Pick a topic and jot down key words for all the memories and stories that come to mind. Of course, I hope you come back to write a few of those stories.
Spring Story Prompts and Brainstorming Sparks
Which of these resonate with you? What family stories come to mind?
- Favorite spring memories growing up
- What Spring was like for you as a child (include location and time period)
- Signs of spring (now or any other time period)
- Spring planting on farm
- The gardener in your life or a gardener ancestor
- Spring snowstorms, floods, or other weather events
- Rainy days in spring
- Bird or animal rescues
- Spring chores
- Spring joys
- Hobbies you enjoy (or enjoyed) in spring
- Spring sports (whether it’s playing them or schlepping kids to them or sitting through them–See also Remembering Sports Traditions and Sports Memories: Ideas that Win)
Spring Memories – Formative memories around spring
- Your hometown in the springtime
- Last day of school
- Animal births or animal sightings
- A spring dance
- Spring fever – a literal illness or how spring inspired you
- Spring break, a great spring trip, or vacation tradition
- A spring illness or springtime injuries
- Favorite spring pastime
- Favorite games or activities with siblings and/or friends
- A spring day you remember and why
- A death in the family in spring
- Spring cooking
- Spring cleaning
Holidays (U.S. Version. Substitute Spring holidays where you live)
- Mother’s Day memories
- Memorial Day memories
- Easter memories
- Passover memories
- Patrick’s Day memories
- April Fool’s memories or pranks
New Beginnings
- Baby animal sightings
- Moving to a new place
- Being the new kid in school, at work, or elsewhere
- Spring romance
- Spring weddings
- Graduations
Introspective Spring Story Prompts
- What does spring mean to you?
- What does spring symbolize for you?
- How spring was different as a child versus an adult
- Worst spring ever
- Best spring ever
- The springtime story that’s the hardest to tell
- Look at a famous piece of art which portrays springtime (examples from the Detroit Institute of Art can be viewed here). How do they reflect your experience of spring? How are they different?
Bonus Spring Story Prompt
45. Look back at photos you’ve taken during springtime. What stories do they tell? Why was that day important?
Your Turn
What spring stories are important to your family story? Which ones do you yearn to tell? Which ones are hard to put to paper?
All photos © Laura Hedgecock, used with permission.
Yes! I love this! I’m definitely going to use it as I hit writers block!
I’m usually not a big fan writing prompts, but these are excellent! I’m bookmarking them in the event that my well runs dry.
Awww Thanks Liz!
You’re welcome!
Great ideas here. And Spring is now here where I am. Long awaited! For my area in Canada I would add “Cherry blossom time memories” and, of course, “Queen Victoria’s birthday! “
Here’s my “cherry blossom time” blog post.
Thanks Diane. I forgot you celebrate Queen Victoria’s bday!