Blogging Your Memories Graphic

Blogging your memories can be an effective way of sharing your stories with loved ones or family members. But is it for you?

Varying Communication Styles

In her article, A Company Divided: Bridging the Generation Gap at Work Through the Power of Communication, Bea Fields summarizes communications styles by Use of technology in communication, as a reader and as a writer, does have a strong correlation to age. Of course, that’s not absolute. I know people in the sixties who tweet and people in their forties that use the computer only to check their email.

Communication Styles and Blogging Your Memories

So, how does this relate to the decision of whether or not you want to start blogging your memories? Your choices are more about what’s a good fit for you and your loved ones. There’s not a “best” option. There’s no right or wrong answer—you just have to figure out what’s right—and more comfortable—for you.

Pros and Cons of Blogging Your Memories

Blogging Memories technology

Blogging does require a little technical know-how.

Because memories are episodic in nature, they lend themselves easily to a blog. Blogging your memories, as opposed to writing them with pen and paper, allows you to share your memories in real time, but don’t require that you do.

There is a technical learning curve to starting a blog. How steep that curve is depends on your own comfort level with technology as well as what blogging platform you choose.

Consider your audience as well. The people with whom you’re sharing your memories might not feel comfortable with a blog format. In addition, your blog dashboard will show you how many people viewed your posts, so if you invited thirty relatives and only three actually visited, you’ll be a tad disappointed.

More Resources

Blogging Your Memories to Blog or not to blog Graphic There’s much, much more about the pros and cons to starting a blog in my book, Blogging for Family History. See also Choosing a Blog under Writers’ Resources.

(c) Laura Hedgecock 2013

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